Redeeming the Time

This morning we had a sermon by my best friend, Keith, who’s also the husband of Destination Glory land. Once again I am impressed that you need not be ordained to hear God’s voice and then share a sermon.

What he spoke on was TIME. (Not the magazine either!) We all are different in so many ways. Some are wealthy, some are not, some have had tough childhoods, and others have had glorious ones. We cannot choose what nation we were born in, who are parents are, how we look, what we inherit, the times we live in, all of these were chosen by God for us. The only thing that we ALL have in common is this; we all have the same amount of time in a day.

What am I going to do with it?

Do I spend my time pursuing those things and really matter? Or do I more often, get so caught up in the “cares of life,” that I forget whose time I’m using. We so often think that if we do a few “big things” for God, we are the same as those doing a lot of little things. I don’t know. God wants us to be open to giving ALL of our time to Him if He asks for it! Yet I for one, have so often “done my part” and felt that I was free to go. Like when quitting time comes at the end of the day, I have done my duty to my boss and now it’s my time to do with as I see fit! I am ashamed to say that I think this way often and it’s sobering to be reminded of how far my heart can stray form being continually on the alter.

The thought that keeps running thru my head is this, when I get to the great white throne of God, what will he judge me on? I am beginning to wonder if it will not be in relation to how I have responded to the Lordship of Christ and how have I used my time for Him. If I waste my time on myself, then I am just like the unfaithful servant who buried his master’s talent in the ground and waited for Him to come back and claim it. He didn’t want to spend his time on his master’s work when his master had many other, more important people working for him.

Am I redeeming the time, or are the days not yet evil?


Yes, time is such a area of struggle...wanting to use it on myself.

I have to admit that I am quite proud of my husband for his willingness to bring forth what God laid on his heart. It was stretching for him, but also very good.
Hey Japheth, how do you do this word verification thing? I've gotten a few comments that seem to be spam. Would this take care of that?
Joe said…
Time. What an enigma.

I'm so glad I serve a God who is not bound by time.

Good post!

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