A Face from Red Lake.

Most of you folks remember the school shootings at Red Lake High School here in Minnesota. That is only about 45 minutes away from where we live and I had been in that school several times before the shooting.

One of the boys that was seriously wounded in that shooting had to go through a bunch of serious surgeries. All the time his mother was at his side. Then about a month after the shootings, she had a stroke and has been and invalid ever since. She is currently staying in a Rehab place and is very lonely. A Native Christian who has befriended her, asked for some people to sing for her. She is not a Christian but has been very open to the things of the Lord every since her stroke. Please pray for us as we try to share some light and His love with her this afternoon.


Truthseeker said…
As for the prayer, consider it done and done often. May God stir her heart with your group's efforts and fill her need of Christ.

Now get back on track, I find your courtship better than a book! Can't wait for Aimee's version.

It is also good to see you posting regularly again, keep it up!
Joe said…
Indeed we are praying.
Pilgrim said…
God be with this family. What a sad story.

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