To Every Generation

Last night we started to cut our supply of firewood for the winter. I know, I know, it's only May and we are still burning the wood stored from last winter. But I would rather cut wood now, than in the summer while being feasted on by our Minnesota state bird, the mosquito! It is different this year though because this is the first year that I am in charge of the job. Here's why.

When I was 18, my father saw how easy it was for me to blow my money on things that don't really matter, ie. stereos, computers, hunting stuff. He encouraged me to build a "daughty house" on the back of our property. For those of you who don't know, a daughty house is a house that the newly weds move into after the wedding and then when their family gets too large for the house, the parents often have a empty nest and they swap houses. We started by tearing down two houses and reusing the lumber to start the new little house. It took 6 years to build but whenever I had some extra money, I would buy more building materials for the house. Finale I met my wife in July 2000 and where married three and one-half months later. (I know, I know, short courtship but that is another story I'll have to tell later) We lived in there till this past Feb. when we decided as a family that the time for the great swap had come! WOW! What relief to finally be able to stretch out a bit!

But now the other part. Now that we are in the "big" house, I realize all the work that goes into a large property. Cut 14-16 cords of wood a year, keep the driveways plowed in the winter, 2 acres of lawn to mow in the summer, 3/4 acre garden to maintain, besides being a husband and father to my family! Sometimes I confess it feels overwhelming. I feel torn in so many areas and doing so poorly in what I can get done that it makes me wonder at times, "why bother?"

It's at times like these that I have to run to the promise God gave to Joshua, " thy days, so shall thy strength be." I must take these struggles to the Lord and allow Him to set my schedule for only then will I have any sort of peace in the midst of this storm.

I don't know when it will end, but for me, I know who will be there with me when it does!

Funny Conversation From Our Store:
Employer: "Boy, did I have a rough night night last night. It felt like I had knives in my stomach. I didn't sleep much all night"
Employee:"Where did you eat last night?"
Employer:" ***** ****** Bar and Grill"
Employee: "Oh yeah, they have great knives!


Aimee said…
I'm proud of you, Honey! . . . for listening to your father's WISE instructions then and today!

A wise son maketh a glad father Prov.10:1
Japheth said…
Hey this is Great!! My wife and I used to talk for hours by phone when we were engauged, now we can talk like this!! :-)
Just kidding Sweetheart! I love the home that God gave us and for His hand in bringing us together!
Momof3 said…
Yeah, Paul, it makes it extra easy for you when your brothers'in'law come over and split firewood for you, or at least help! Just kidding, I enjoyed it. I wouldn't like to do it as a necessity though.

JP, I added your site to my links. Hope you don't mind.

God Bless.

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