Me, Write?

I still cannot believe that I am really doing this! For all of you blessed people that can just sit down at a keyboard and just let your thoughts roll out onto paper, I have one thing to say, I am not like that!!!!

I can line up my thoughts as easily as you can train a chicken to use the privey! It gets worse. I was homeschooled my last 6 years and my parents said that for me to graduate, I had to do a term paper at least six pages long on the subject of my choosing. I started out fine. I did my interviews, read loads of information, but when I sat down with the paper in front of me to start writing, my thoughts all jumbled themselves up and then left! Without giving me their three week notice either! I am now 28 and still do not have a diploma. I confess I am a little embarrassed to go back and do it this late in the game. I mean, get real! Are they going to throw a graduation party for a married, 30 year old?!! How embarrassing!

I can speak just fine! I can hold up three sides of the conversation even if there are only two of us in it! In fact when I was asked to fill in for my dad in our pulpit this past winter, I thought for sure that I was going to run out of material before the sermon was 15 minutes old. But NOOO, when I looked at the clock at the end, I had "preached" for 55 Minutes! ( My notes barley filled three pages) I just can' seem to get what I want to say from my head to my fingertips!

So you ask me, why start now? For a couple reasons. Lately I have been challenged to think what our live would be like if the great writers of the past had not taken the time out of their busy days to write for my edification or enjoyment now. Would we have the scriptures we do, or the biographies of great ones of the past? What would we do if we never could read the lessons of someone else's life? While I will never be a great writer, I want to put down the things that God is doing in my life and maybe someday they will mean something to my children, grandchildren, or whoever is unfortunate to have to read them. It will never get any easier to start and while I could wow you with all sort of info on computers, sewing machines, photography or such, I need to knuckle down and learn to write. I hate to think what my life lessons would be like if subjected to the trial of "whisper down the lane" telling thru the years.
Secondly, me being a prideful creature, I know that if people are seeing this, it will serve as a good swift kick in the seat of the pants to have to update this and write on a regular basis.

Whether this is ever read by ya'll or not is not the question. (even tho I would like to hear from you once in a while :-) It is more about developing me into who God wants me to be and if it blesses you to, then we've just been doused with the same blessing.


Anonymous said…
I think it's a neat idea to leave writings for your next generations to "know" you better. One of these days you will be gone . . . then they will still be able to read your thoughts and be inspired . . .or learn from your mistakes.

Take courage and write for God's glory!
Truthseeker said…
Hello, Paul sent me over for a look see. I like what I read so keep on doing what you are doing!

I have found that I am better at commenting on others blogs than posting on my own blog. Seems that the thinking is better when a subject is provided. I also get ideas from others and manage to get a post done.

One thing has helped me is to let the Lord speak through His Word and the events of life and just place it in the blog. Better His direction than my poor attempts.

Writing begats writing so keep the dictionary and Bible handy and go to it. I will be back, the Lord willing. God bless.
Truthseeker said…
Oh and thanks for the link on your blog roll. Come on over anytime, hope to have some fresh writing done by this weekend.{:>)

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