Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child...

My wife left me. Well, only for a week, but that's pretty close to desertion, don't you think?!

In all seriousness, I am glad she got the oppurtunity to go east to see her family and witness the wedding of her first cousin. She took the two youngest with her so it's just me and the boys at home. We are coping well, however the first evening, Jeremiah, our second born, leaned over to Japheth and whispered something and then started trotting in to the house. I asked him where he was going. He responded with "I need to talk to Mama." I picked him up and had to fight back tears myself as I told him that we needed to be brave cause Mama wasn't coming back for a long time. (Try to be two and a half and see how long a week without your mother is!!!) We have been having a good time though. I have off of work from Thursday thru Sunday so I could spend time with them and maybe lessen the pain a bit. We are camping out this evening in a tent in our back yard, something they have been begging for, and we went fishing for sunfish yesterday, and today we made a sandbox and cut a bunch of wood for our kitchen stove. I ran the woodsplitter and the boys filled the wagon. In the picture below, they stacked all the wood between the ranked ends! I was so proud of them!!

This below, is our new sandbox. My father graciously donated the sand and now the children have a new way to get dirty! One more thing accomplished that I wanted to get done this long weekend off of work. Or maybe I should say, paying work. :-) Posted by Hello

As far as cooking, well, all I can say is thank God for parents close by, and Hamburger Helper!!


Pilgrim said…
I wondered why your wife's blog was so quiet. :-) I'm sure she'll be glad to know she's been missed, but sorry for the little ones' missing her.

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