A Father's Pleasure

The last three days I have had the privalige of working with my two sons at home. We did all sorts of things, from cutting dead limbs out of trees, to weeding the garden, (your welcome honey! ;-) to helping grandpa in his shop, to fishing, camping out, roasting hot dogs, playing in the sand, cutting wood, making dinner, and a host more. I found out what my father had told me numorous times as I was growing up was true, he really enjoyed doing things with his boys. I had so much fun that I didn't care how tired I was. I didn't mind so much that it took twice as long for them to set the table as for me too. I loved being with them, teaching them and watching the fruit come forth in their lives.

Today was Father's day. My wife called bright and early, before we even got in from the tent, to wish me a happy fathers day! I thought about that a lot today. As much as I love to be with my children and to see them grow, it doesn't even come close to what God must feel when we walk with Him and learn the lessons He would have us to. That must be His ultimate "Father's Day."

The verse that sums up my feelings better than anything is: "I have no greater JOY, than to know my children walk in truth." Amen!!


Anonymous said…
How wonderful to truly enjoy our children!
Pilgrim said…
Hi Japheth,
I've enjoyed your wife's blog. She is a busy, blessed woman.
I was at Cristal Lake (French, Christ-in-all) from '82-'84. I could write a book about that experience--if I had a better memory. I'm sure your father has some good stories about that, if he was involved.
If it weren't so far, I'd have been back to visit by now. If it weren't so far, it wouldn't be what it is: beauty, silence, Presence.
Truthseeker said…
Japheth, I liked this post a lot. Thank you for your sharing of your life with us concerning your children and wife, it is so beneficial to young families like Paul and Naomi to have this kind of encouragement. As I told Heidi over at This Side of Glory I could have used this kind of communication when I was raising my children.

On another note, I have been thinking and that can get dangerous, just ask Paul. I was back over at Life in the Shoe and re-reading some of the comments we all tend to leave about these issues that arise about Mennonite
"rules", and I wondered if we are really accomplishing anything by answering/questioning our far flung brethren on the differences of our rules and discipline?

I am currently dealing with a very upset young sister in the church from PA that is frustrated at all of the discussions we Christians (read Mennonite) get tangled up in on these many blogs of ours over our particular theology and the doctrines we live by and are so introspective that we are forgetting the lost around us. Kind of like the old tale of being up to our behinds with alligators and forgetting that we came to drain the swamp.

Any way, I would like your thoughts on this matter. You can visit the site, yoderpianist.blogspot.com, Darin's blog, I think I have seen you there, and read her "rant" as she calls it and maybe you can help us out with your insight. Check the post under the train pictures about Darin producing a CD. You can reach me at myjoy@pure.net if you do not want to get into it with Anita. I just feel a little unsure as what to say, but I think that she has a point to her frustration and concern as to the circle we tend to go round on. If you do not want to get into it, I understand. I just want to help these young people if I can and I didn't know your e-mail address. Sorry for taking up all the space on your blog.

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