Of Departures and Arrivals

Yesterday we got up early to see our Malaysian students off to their homes for a visit.  The one group left at 7:00 in the morning, and the other group didn’t leave until 10:45.  We hadn’t told any of them that we would be there and they even told us that they didn’t expect us to be there since it was so far to drive in their opinions.  We were able to see them surprise them and express our love for them as they left.

There where several things that stood out to me through the morning.  The one girl was leaving and would not see the others again, maybe ever.  She was very tearful and it tore my heart to realize that she has no hope of seeing them someday in heaven as we would with our loved ones.  Another girl, who has been more quiet and withdrawn, was doing her best to keep back the tears as she eagerly kept pressing her hand against the glass that separated the passengers from the visitors.  You could see the questions going through her mind.  Will I see them again?  What will home be like now that I have been gone for a year?  Will I get to come back and finish my degree?  I had to choke back a few tears myself as I longed to see them fulfilled in Christ as I have been.  I longed to extend the balm to their aching hearts but they had chosen, at least for now, not to accept it.

The other thing was this.  Up at the little airport there is no motorized causeway to cozy up to the plane and deliver the passengers through its heated hallways to the terminal.  Instead the passengers must walk down the steps to the ice and snow covered concrete, and through the 0 degree air to reach the open door of the building.  Inside, where we were sitting, there was a crowd of people, waiting for their Christmas company.  It was fun to watch the faces of the people as they strained to catch a glimpse of their loved one.  They kept watching, did he make his connection in Minneapolis? Would he have changed much?  Oh, it’ll be so good to see him again!!  They’d bend their heads to the left and right, straining to see past the passengers who were getting off first.  Finaly, YES!!  There he was!!  I watched as 70 year olds turned into 8 year olds as they kind of hugged themselves and pushed past people to be as near the gate as possible.  It was a joyous reunion as they met, he glad to be home safe and sound, they, to have him back in their companionship for the next number of days.

  I thought about what it will be like in heaven.  What a welcome home party that will be!!  And right now there is the anticipation, the longing, to be with the one who loves us more than anyone else.  To see Him face to face for the first time even though His presence has been in our hearts for some time, that is the desire of our hearts.  Every time God takes one of His loved ones home, there is a welcoming crowd and there is Jesus, eagerly watching for that first glimpse.

But there might be others watching, wondering, did he make it?  Did he turn his life over to Christ before it was too late?  Where they victorious over their besetting sin and finally break through?  Or where they able to hang onto the young faith they were left with?  I am reminded of a song called I Dreamed I Searched Heaven for You, where it tells of a person searching for the one they loved amongst the throngs of heaven, only to find him not there.

Our finally journey will end either joyously or grievously, the choice is being made now, by you, and by me.  What will the homecoming be?


Joe said…
What a beautiful post!

Each day, as I sign off the air, I say, "I'll see you here tomorrow. But if I don't see you here, I trust that I'll see you over there."

What a grand reunion it wil be!

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