I'm jello, He's the Rock

Well I know I should write but what?  I could write about the 2x4 that God used to get thru to me about how much of Japheth was still in control of Japheth.  Or I could tell about how finally I obeyed that weird prompting in my spirit and went to see a guy for no real reason, only to find that he was at the end of the rope, so to speak, and even that was beginning to fray.  Or I could tell how that God protected my son during his roller coaster ride down our basement stairs.  He rolled more than he coasted and praise God, except for a few bruises and an hour of heart wrenching sobs; he’s none worse for wear.

In all of this the thing that gets to me more than anything is that in spite of ourselves, God is still in control.  We can blow it big time, like I did when I forgot the gate at the top of the stairs for only a few seconds, and God is still in control.  Sure, bad things can happen, but Gods hand is in them just as much as when everything runs smooth!  He never lets go unless we tell Him to.  He is still using the things of this life to bring us closer to Him.  He never wastes pain or grief, but instead uses them like disinfectant in a wound.  They hurt worse than a bloody nose to a six year old but we know that with it comes the knowledge that it is cleansing our hearts of the things that shouldn’t be there.

That’s what I shared with my friend who felt that life had no purpose or reason for living any more.  That we may feel like life is a whirlwind around us and see no light at the end of the tunnel, but God wants us to stare into the darkness and say “God no matter what, I know you are in control and tho I cannot see you and do not understand what you are doing in my life, I choose to trust you.”  …though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!

On the other side, Jeremiah is POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!  And good news with even better is that Loraine is starting already and she’s not yet two years old.  I don’t know what it would be like to only have one in diapers! (at least for a couple months ;-)   We haven’t had that for over three years!!  Japheth Jr. is already reading sentences with three and four letter words.  Ya know, the more my family grows up, the less I know!!  I should have had my children when I was 20 or 21 and “knew” how it should be done!  Now I look at my family and realize my ineptness and lack wisdom to lead as I would like.

I just keep falling back on the one person that never changes, who always picks us up and rubs our bruises, and set us back on our feet for the next challenge.  Thank you Jesus!


Glen Zehr said…
I think your title sums it up well. We must be made out of similar patterns
Anonymous said…
thanks for the post,
and glad that all truned out good with the kids :)
Joe said…
I needed your second paragraph today. Thanks!
SAHM said…
I agree that potty training is an enormously pleasing mile post for both child and parent(s). Our daughter (the first one anyway) was pretty much self-trained about 6 weeks after her 2nd birthday. Boys....take longer. She just announced "I want to use your potty" and that was pretty much it! Good luck! Thanks for reading my blog. You must have referenced my site from my uncle Tom's (Mr. ITF)? God Bless.
Truthseeker said…
Good thoughts Japheth, you write well, like your Dad. I really like the way you both see God in the everyday parts of life.

You encourage me; I shall stop going to MennoDiscuss and write on my own blog. Seems like it is easier to post on another's blog.

Thank God your son is all right! I will pray for your friend. May God reach his heart.

A most blessed Christmas and a joyful New Year to you and your family, Marc/TS.

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