
Showing posts from June, 2005

A Father's Pleasure

The last three days I have had the privalige of working with my two sons at home. We did all sorts of things, from cutting dead limbs out of trees, to weeding the garden, (your welcome honey! ;-) to helping grandpa in his shop, to fishing, camping out, roasting hot dogs, playing in the sand, cutting wood, making dinner, and a host more. I found out what my father had told me numorous times as I was growing up was true, he really enjoyed doing things with his boys. I had so much fun that I didn't care how tired I was. I didn't mind so much that it took twice as long for them to set the table as for me too. I loved being with them, teaching them and watching the fruit come forth in their lives. Today was Father's day. My wife called bright and early, before we even got in from the tent, to wish me a happy fathers day! I thought about that a lot today. As much as I love to be with my children and to see them grow, it doesn't even come close to what God must feel ...

Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child...

My wife left me. Well, only for a week, but that's pretty close to desertion, don't you think?! In all seriousness, I am glad she got the oppurtunity to go east to see her family and witness the wedding of her first cousin. She took the two youngest with her so it's just me and the boys at home. We are coping well, however the first evening, Jeremiah, our second born, leaned over to Japheth and whispered something and then started trotting in to the house. I asked him where he was going. He responded with "I need to talk to Mama." I picked him up and had to fight back tears myself as I told him that we needed to be brave cause Mama wasn't coming back for a long time. (Try to be two and a half and see how long a week without your mother is!!!) We have been having a good time though. I have off of work from Thursday thru Sunday so I could spend time with them and maybe lessen the pain a bit. We are camping out this evening in a tent in our back yard, something t...

Meandering Thoughts

This last week has been a blur. Having a Track and Field day at our church for all the homeschoolers in the area last Friday, having company both Saturday and Sunday, starting Vacation Bible School on Monday and I'm supposed to be the superintendent. Lately I've felt the load heavier and it has cost me some of my peace, trying to be all things to all people. A few postings ago I alluded to a area of shortcoming in my life. That area is the pride of my heart. I do almost everything to be seen of and well thought of by men. It has gotten to the point that I spend more time considering how to say something in a interesting or clever way, without even asking God if He wants me to say it in the first place. I finally came to a brokenness about three weeks ago one Friday night. I realize that I have nothing worth giving in and of myself. I am worthless without Gods direct intervention. I had to ask for forgiveness from my church, for while I did not come across arrogantly all the tim...