Time for a Trip Again.

Greetings from the sporadic writers guild! I must confess that the author of this blog hopes that the remainder of his life does not keep speeding up as it has the last couple years and especially this last summer!

August came and went and with it the 1st anniversary of A Stitch in Time’s founding. It also held another move for the business as the old location of 160 sq. feet was insufficient for it’s growth. I now have 270 sq. feet that is contiguous space and is only three-fourths of what I was spending. I moved the last week of August and only now feel like I may be getting settled in.

We are on the move again though. It has been two years since I have been east to see Aimee’s family and with her brother-in-law needing an addition to their trailer, thought that this would be a good time to make a quick trip into Virginia. We plan to leave this Friday after work and drive through the night since that is the best time to travel with small children anyway!! We will be in Ferrum, VA. for the next week before making a quick pass-through trip up to Harrisonburg and Lancaster, PA for a few days before heading home. We plan to return about the 4th of October.

On the humorous side, I had to stay home due to an illness and kept the four oldest children with me. They LOVE having story’s told to them so I decided to tell them several from my growing up days. The one was when I accidentally shot a ring-necked pheasant because I was not using my BB gun properly. So even though my boys are several years away from that right of passage, I decided it is not too early to start instilling in them the need for proper gun safety. After explaining that you never point the gun at something you do not want to shoot, we had a dialogue that went like this.

“Should you point the gun at the dog?”
“Should you point the gun at Grandpa’s chickens?”
“Should you point the gun at the clouds?”
“Why not, son?”
“Because Jesus lives up there!”

We had just gotten done reading the Bible story were Jesus talks about coming in the clouds of glory.

Could you help us out here?
Last night I was going through some family pictures and I found one that I am not sure where it belongs? If you can help me identify them, I would appreciate it. :-)

I let you know what I come up with a few days! :-)


Jean said…
I do hope we get a chance to see you in person, even for just a little bit, on your quick trip through Lancaster. Do you know which day or days that will be?
Anonymous said…
I don't recognize the others, but the one in the back row, third from left, looks like Mrs. Stauffer to me! ;)
Joe said…
"the author of this blog hopes that the remainder of his life does not keep speeding up as it has the last couple years and especially this last summer!"

Trust me...it only goes faster!!
Anonymous said…
THat is gross! :)

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