He's HERE!!!

We praise the Lord that He saw fit to bless us with another son. After weeks of unrest in the fact of not knowing when we were due and several false starts of labor, today was a God-send!

Jaden Scott Stauffer
was born at 3:17 am on April 5th, 2006.
He weighed in at 9 lbs even, and was 20 3/8" long.

The labor was hard to get started but once Aimee's water broke at 2:05 am, things kicked in high gear and Jaden was born 72 minutes later. Both Aimee and Jaden are doing very well. Aimee had no complications and is recovering quickly. Truly God answered our prayers for safety and as quick a birth as possible.

Thank YOU for all the prayers you have offered up for us the last week or so. We have felt them and feel very blessed by all the friends we have out there.

Now it is 5:21 and I have not slept yet so since Aimee and the little one are sleeping, I shall try to get a few winks in before I have to get up with the rest of the children.


jump4joy said…
Blessings to you and yours..we rejoice with you on the safe arrival of your little boy. He is so precious!!!
Jean said…
Woo-hoo!!!! That is just awesome! And how wonderful that Aimee didn't tear! I so remember after Anthony was born, weighing almost 9 lbs., and I was told I hadn't torn - I truly thought I had accomplished the greatest feat of my life!!
And Jaden Scott looks like another little Stauffer! It makes me want another one!!
Joe said…
Congratulations and blessings!

Jaden is a great name. One of my favorite singers is named Jadon (with an "O") Lavik.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations from my vacation spot in Maine!
jel said…
Very Awesome, your little one is a cutie, Way to go Aimee,

Congrats you 2

Anonymous said…
Did you think about his neat birthdate? 04/05/06
Joe said…
Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

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