In All Points

Something really stood out to me this past week of revivals and youth rally.  When we get thoughts into our minds that are diametrically opposed to Christ and His principles, we know they are from Satan.  Does that mean we have sinned and Satan has put these thoughts there?  No!  We cannot keep these thoughts from coming into our minds, but what we do with them while they are there, is another story!

     The Bible says that Jesus was “tempted in all points as we were, yet without sin.”  Look at the temptations in the wilderness.  Satan came and “talked” to Jesus in each of the temptations.  Yet He did not sin!  Jesus was still sinless because he chose not to dwell on that which He knew to be wrong, but instead responded from scripture and rebuked Satan and made him flee.

     Many times I have been fearful of my salvation because of reoccurring evil thoughts. (especially after confessing a spiritual failing)  But I now know that when these thoughts come, it is an opportunity to glorify Jesus by refuting the lie of the devil.  When we stand on the firm word of God, we glorify Him, and the devil will flee.  Those thoughts are the work of the devil and when we acknowledge who the author is and rebuke him, my salvation is strengthened and the devil’s is weakened!  Praise God!!

Thus, that which Satan sought to entrap me in has become the tool to strengthen my faith in my faithful and loving Lord!


Joe said…
Amen and amen!

Let us continue to stand on the firm word of God!

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