A Stitch In Time

For those of you who have wondered if I have dropped off the face of the earth, I assure you that I am alive and kicking and never been so busy in my life!!

Where do I start? A little over a month ago, I gave my bosses my letter of resignation effective August 31. I had decided with the advise of my father and wife to end my 8 year career as a sewing machine salesman and technician at the store in Bemidji. I was undecided as to what to pursue but felt led to wait on the Lord to make His path plain. After much discussion over possible careers and job opportunities, my father advised me to look at starting my own business and working from my home. I prayed about it with my wife and she heartily agreed that she would love to have me home more often and felt that this was the best thing we could do. Thus I have started my own company called, A Stitch In Time, Sewing Machine Repair.

I will be working at home but since we live in the sticks and to far away for most people to drive, I have been setting up accounts with two businesses so far to do all their machine repairs. I will make the trip twice a week to pick up and drop off machines and do the service work at home. Needless to say, the last two weeks have been very busy getting ready for business as well as keeping the home fires burning.

I am a little nervous about being out on my own but I have the promise of David "...I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor their seed begging bread." I know God will provide and I am grateful to live in a country where we have the freedom and resources to pursue our own careers.

If you think about me over the next few weeks, I would covet you prayers! I want to leave a Godly testimony for Christ as I leave and not a cocky attitude.

If you don't see me here too much, now you know why! :-)


Joe said…
God bless your venture! We will pray for your success, not for your glory, but for His!

Love the company name!
Anonymous said…
We will be praying for you and wish you God's richest blessings as you begin a new venture in your life.
We are very excited for you and I look forward to being one of your first customers!
Truthseeker said…
Glad to see you on the blog again! I figured you were rather busy with the change of work. May God guide you and bless your business. I am sure having you close by will be a real treat for Amiee, and I wonder about all the help the little ones will attempt to offer in your shop!

Will keep you all in my prayers. May the peace of God be your daily rest and His light your guide. Yours in Christ, TS.
Sharon said…
Do you work on White sewing machines? I have a White 979 that was struck by lightning. What are the chances that it is worth salvaging?
Japheth said…
Is it an electronic machine? If not, then yes, you can fix it for no more than $50 in parts. That would be a new motor and foot control. If it IS electronic, htan you are probably done for. Those parts are almost impossible to come by and the expence is a huge deterent. Hope this helps!

I don't have my books here yet so I canot give an exact cost idea at this time.
Sharon said…
Pretty sure it’s electronic…push-button, etc. When I turn the power on, it just sits and beeps at me. Or it used to, I abandoned it several years ago. But I would have loved to be able to salvage it for a lot less than a new machine. Then I could have one at work and one at home.

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