Children and Converts

Just a thought; When a husband and wife have a close, intimate relationship, children are one of the natural outcomes of it.

We as Christians, are the bride of Christ. If we are in close communion and fellowship with Him, will not new babes in Christ be one of the natural outcomes of our walk with God?

Secondly, we would never say that we do not want another convert so soon after the "first" one, yet we do that with our children. Marriage was not created just for our enjoyment, but as a reflection on what our relationship with God should be like. Thus, is it an error on our part to try to limit God's hand in either area, because we don't know if we can handle it, or whatever excuse we so often come up with?


Joe said…
Found you through Not1Jot. Good posts! I had never thought of being the bride of Christ as being a reason for being responsible for "Christian procreation." That is astonishing. With your permission, I will incorporate that into my New Members class...the part on Sharing Jesus. In His Name, Joe
Bar L. said…
I had never thought of this before...I will add it to my "ponder these things" list. Thanks for sharing it!
Unknown said…
I enjoyed your site. God Bless You

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