A Little Child Shall Lead...
"I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth!" Amen! This afternoon I had something happen during Singspiration at our church. We have been working with our 18 month old daughter to fold her hands together when we pray. This afternoon, being somewhat tired and wanting to figit all the time, we gave her a carrot to naw on for a while. She was busy at it when the leader ask people to bow their heads to pray. To the best of my knowledge, she had not been paying attention at all to the song leader, but she quickly dropped her carrot and folder her hands to pray! I forget what the prayer was about! All I know was that my heart just about burst to see her taking the effort to prepare for prayer! Oh how I long for her to continue to have that same attitude to her heavenly Father. It is my greatest joy and my deepest desire! Yet I feel so inadequate to the task of training my children to walk like Christ when I struggle so often with it myself!! Makes me wish t...