The Awakening at Pincroix - Part 3

My father and I preached for a total of 8 times, and each sermon was supposed to be about 2 hours long. We were supposed to start at eight in the morning, and there was usually about half the crowd of 100 adults in place by then. Some wouldn’t arrive until half an hour later, and I wondered at that until I found out that most did not have any way to keep time, and with a walk of up to two hours, it gave a clearer understanding of their dedication and desire to be there. Three men, one older than my father, walked that terrible trail to Angolmont twice in the pitch dark, with no light, because they wanted to be there in the worst way. Many of them would come in and kneel down in front of their chair and spend up to 20 minutes in prayer before rising and brushing the sticky white dust from their knees, and taking their seat. The Trail to the Angolmont Church They sang with their heart! Most would close their eyes and sing to the Lord and the buil...