As a Father Pitieth

Last week, my inquisitive, four year old son, found that the handle on the piano cover was loose. Being curious, he turned the knob this way and that, until all at once it fell off in his hand. Uh oh. He quickly tried to put it back on but the screw had sunk back into the wood! He tried pushing and twisting it but to no avail, it would not stay on. Now what should he do? He probably shouldn’t have been pulling on it so hard. And even though he knew he was not to play with the piano, he knew he should not be messing around it either! So he ran to find his big sister, who, after careful examination, decided that the problem would best be solved with copious amounts of tape to hold the knob in place. They fixed it there as best as they knew how, and hoped that it would go unnoticed, which it did for a few days. Last night, I saw the knob was missing and wondered what had happened. My wife said she had bumped against it and it had fallen off so she picked it up and set it on the top o...