
Showing posts from August, 2006

What's Wrong with It?

During my growing up years, my father and I would have these discussions about whether something new was “right” or “wrong.”  I would inevitably ask, “What is wrong with it?” to which he sometimes did, or did not have an answer.  Now I have come to realize that the whole premise for the question is wrong.   To ask “what is wrong with it” is to imply that if it cannot be proven detrimental to me, then it must be ok for me.  But let’s take that premise and look at it from a different perspective.  Most of us have been to a hospital and to the pharmacy counters.  What if these doctors and nurses looked at the patient with an infection coursing through his body and then walked over to the list of medications and asked themselves, “what won’t hurt him?”  If that were the only standard for choosing the medication, there would be a host that they could prescribe!  But their goal is not just to avoid harming the pat...

Stauffer Family 2006


Time & God, Move Us On

Well, after a LONG hiatus from this blog, and a reminder from Jon, I have resolved to confine myself to this room until I get a bit of an update done to this thing! Not that I have a great affection, or a responsibility to this thing, but I realize that others have come to count on these ramblings for an idea on what is going on in the crazy, far-off world of the Stauffer’s. I was touched this morning by the sermon from the last few verses from Hebrews. My father, (the pastor) has been working through the book for the last ten months and it has been an encouraging, though somewhat baffling at times, study and has given much food for thought. This morning the part that really stuck out to me was the plea for the ability to live with a pure conscience. It was brought out about Paul who was able to say that he has always lived with a pure conscience. Paul!! The one who persecuted the church most mercilessly, and wrought great havoc among the early believers, was able to say that he...